Welcome to the wonderful world of Begonias and Auriculas

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I have grown Tuberous Double flowering begonias for 40 years. I have exhibited them at most of the major shows in the country and I have now retired from showing - being content to grow for the bureaux at the various National Begonia Society Shows.
I am now a National Judge, member of the Floral Committee and I have been Editor of the National Begonia Society for some 12 years.
We issue three Bulletins a year and the subscriptions are £6.50  per annum.
The principal shows are at Leeds, Southport, Birmingham, Peterborough, Nottingham, Norfolk, Southsea and Pembrokeshire.
We have district meeting in all parts of the country.
I am also a Past President of the National Auricula Society (Northern Group)
We will publish in the Bulletins the dates of any show that includes begonia classes in its schedule.
This has the benefit of attracting
additional entries.
A well grown begonia is an immediate show stopper in that the visiting public who rarely have the opportunity to see  such magnificent arrays of colour and form gasp in amazement  at the delicate flowers and range of colours that they embrace.
Why not have your local Society become affiliated to the National Begonia Society?

Contact me to join.
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Begonia Mr Steve.

To contact us:

Email: derek@dltelford.freeserve.co.uk